
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

LTE Coverage Test: Which Internet is Best?

Want LTE? Use the LTE coverage test to see if its available where you are

My Experience:

I chose comcast at first, based on the advice of other people from the city, who said it was fast and reliable. I rely on having a good internet connection to make money.

 After a few months of successfully using Comcast, the connection just stops working. This appears to be because of the weather in this area in winter.

I start researching. The best internet service option appeared to be Verizon LTE, which they say is 4g, but I read in my research it is not technically 4g. I did LTE coverage test and my area is not covered.

I stumbled upon Clear looking at options with internet hotspots, as mobile internet would allow me incredible freedom with my work schedule and travel. This appeared to be the next best option, and I signed up for it, still doing the LTE coverage test every once in a while... just to check.

Clear seemed to work very well, very quickly. It couldn't have been any easier to set up. The connection is easy to monitor (besides being able to monitor your 3g usage, because this seemed to be a big convenience. However, after some time of using this service, I anticipate only having to use 3g while traveling, outside of my greater metropolitan area. When you use the 3g, you do have to keep track yourself, but this proved to be not too difficult, you just have to pay attention and add it up as you go, at risk of extra usage charges.

Upon seeing this, I went and did the LTE coverage test again.

Using 3g on the outskirts of a 4g area, it was not strong enough to handle a skype conversation, but 4g appears to handle this just fine most of the time.

Upon seeing this, I went and did the LTE coverage test again.

This morning I went to begin working, and the clear hotspot would not connect. It just said searching. I went and did the LTE coverage test one more time, just in case. I got the comcast modem, which still had service connected, and it would not allow me to connect - there just appeared to be no service. So it had been a few minutes and I had turned off the clear hotspot. i turned it on again and it started up just fine. Clear wins again. And I wasn't late for work.

Then I went and did the LTE coverage test again for my city. No dice.

The final verdict:

Clear Wimax Hotspot:
Nowness: *****
Connectivity: ****
Speed: ***

Comcast cable:
Nowness: ****
Connectivity: ***
Speed: ***

Verizon LTE:
Connectivity: ?
Speed: ?

Learn about alleged speeds and do the LTE coverage test here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Social Networks are the New Everything

It's official - the strength of your social network presence will help your website's ranking in search engines. By now you can't turn on a tv or radio, or drive down the street without hearing or seeing something about social networks. This video proves their importance once more. Google Webmaster help (namely Matt Cutts) shows in this video how Google is now officially considering the strength of your social network presence when weighing your website's ranking.