Free Banner Maker
Free banner maker - should you use one? Why not? What's in it for them? And where can you find one?- Aleo Soft
- Ad Sketch
- Ad Break
- Design Your Ad
- 123 Free Banner Maker
- Live Free Banner Maker
- Cool Text Free Banner Maker
- Ad Builder
- Ad Creator
- ABC Ad Maker
Colors are key to grabbing attention. Start with a light color, and use a darker color to highlight the important parts of your ad (this goes for overall website design as well).
The colors of your ad also make a statement about your website. Blue usually says 'professional'. Bright colors usually mean the site is for a young audience. Earthy tones can be used to give an 'organic' feel to the website. Too bright of colors can make people bounce off your pages (or ignore your free banner maker ad) altogether.
A free banner maker may put some sort of water mark or ad in the image that you design to promote your site, depending on the free banner maker.
Is it worth it to use a free banner maker?
Is it worth the money NOT to use a free banner maker? Only if you are sure that you have selected the right people to design your ad, and you are sure that the money will bring you a return on your investment. If you are more of a hobbyist webmaster, or a do it yourselfer, you will definitely want to go with a free banner maker.
Promoting a website without any graphic ads is like promoting a band with no band poster. It just doesn't work very well. People respond to images. But in this day and age, haven't most people learned to ignore banners? So do you really want to spend a ton of money on having banners made?
I thought not.